What are you drinking?

Do you know that we consume 21,000 micro plastic particles per year from drinking water. That is like eating a credit card every week. So of course we should drink bottled water right know for those of us who use bottled water, as opposed to tap water, that number may increase by 10s of 1000s. You heard correctly bottled water contains more microplastics than the water in your tap. And that’s not all. While researching my book detox your home, I found that my own tap water had less contaminants in it than the water I bought in a plastic bottle, bottled water is not from a magical source, and is from our own public aquifers and springs. It is filtered, but often not well, and then resold to us for 1000 times the price of what they paid for it. It is not healthier or cleaner. So clearly this is a reason enough to stop drinking bottled water, but what about sodas sports drinks and even juices bottled in plastic. Great question. Have you ever heard of the term, BPA Bisphenol A or BPA is a compound in plastic that has come under fire for its toxicity. it is used in the majority of plastics and BPA is an endocrine disruptor, which means it can disrupt normal hormone function and lead to a slew of dangerous health issues, studies have linked the compound to breast cancer. So just use BPA free and we’re safe right, not necessarily to make a product, BPA free manufacturers often use bisphenol s as an alternative. This new chemical is structurally similar to BPA and has many of the same properties, we simply have no way of knowing how many induction chemicals we are exposed to, when drinking out of plastic bottles. The same goes with our food as well. Nearly everything we eat and drink are stored in plastic. He also made exposure worse. Studies have shown that bottled water stored in car trunks and garages and other places, subject to high heat, do indeed leach more chemicals in the water. So purposely heating any plastic in the microwave, including the containers we buy frozen food in would not be a great idea. While one bottle of water will not bring you harm. The concern is our exposure over a lifetime. And by the time we reach our childbearing years, we find out our exposure to these plastics have given us an infertility problem, reducing your plastic exposure is easy. And by doing so you will be making a significant increase to your health.

Here are my top six ways to do so.

1. Good a stainless steel water bottle glass is good too but my busy life I can’t worry about dropping glass. I also like stainless as it can be insulated, keeping my coffee hot and my water cold to buy unwrapped whole fruits and veggies as much as you can.

2. Whole Foods are the most nutritious way to feel our body and we should buy on cut and unpackaged veggies and fruit as often as we can. Hello, bananas, I see you, and you are perfect.

3. Tests your tap water. You can buy sample kits online, and if you find your tap water is not good. Make sure the bottled water you buy is in glass. If you have a large water jug, you can get that in glass too. I use a large dispenser at my office and they provide five gallon jugs and glass for when you have to buy on the go.

4. Avoid beverages and containers and plastic like sports drinks, sodas and juices, by the glass or aluminium can option, whenever possible.

5. Make sure your lunchbox and leftover containers are stainless steel or glass for cooking and reheating it is super important not to use plastic, as it does release more harmful toxins when heated.

6. If you have little humans in your home. Make sure their cups and utensils are not in plastic. The younger you are the more susceptible you are to endocrine disrupting chemicals, using less plastic is one of the single most important choices you can make for yourself. By choosing to use it less, you will increase your health in your home and our planets, the less we use the healthier we both get.

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