The Safe Haven of Home
This month has been an emotional one. I’ve been in Spain, where the nation is mourning the devastation wrought by storm Dana, with awful floods leaving a trail of destruction, especially in Valencia. You may have seen the heartbreaking images across the media and social channels.
In this edition we discuss :
The Safe Haven of Home
The Healthy Home Show Podcast
In solidarity with those who have lost their homes—and some, tragically, their lives—I’ve decided to shift the tone of this month’s newsletter. Instead of my usual deep dive into the latest toxins lurking in our homes, I want to speak to something fundamental: the importance of our home as a sanctuary for mental and physical health.
We often take for granted the simple fact of having a roof over our heads, yet the feeling of safety our home provides is essential for our wellbeing. When we don’t feel secure in our own space, our nervous systems can’t fully relax, leaving us stuck in a stress cycle—a “fight or flight” state that wreaks havoc on our health and can lead to serious illness.
My path to this work has always felt deeply personal, rooted in my own early experiences of how spaces affect us. Growing up in a tumultuous household, my bedroom was my refuge, the one place where I felt safe and had a little control. While chaos and shouting reigned downstairs, I found comfort in rearranging my room for the umpteenth time, hanging up my Athena posters of A-ha and Keanu Reeves in slightly new configurations. That ritual gave me a sense of calm and security, however fleeting. I believe wholeheartedly in the transformative power of spaces to shift our moods, soothe our nerves, and even optimise our health. Creating havens of wellbeing has become my lifelong passion.
So, with Thanksgiving on the horizon, perhaps it’s time to reflect on what our homes provide—a place of warmth and security when so many around the world go without this basic need. Let this be the month to fall back in love with your home and make those healthy changes you’ve been meaning to embrace all year.
I also want to thank the incredible community here in Spain, who have rallied to raise funds for those left with nothing after the floods. If you’d like to contribute, my Instagram still has the link to the World Kitchen Fundraiser.
Healthy Home Show Podcast
Thanks to ALL of you for continuing to support the show. Here’s the latest from The Healthy Home Show Podcast
If you have suggestions for brands or experts to feature, or topics you’d like us to cover, get in touch
Missed our latest episodes? Check out our chats with:
Bright Ideas with Dr Shelley James – The Light Lady – Read the Key Takeaways
Laura Wood Invisible Creations, The Key to Inclusive Design – Read the Key Takeaways
Alex Strauss, The Mindful Walker, A Simple Path to Health – Read the Key Takeaways
Rebecca Willis ( Becca), CottonSafe Natural Mattress, The Hidden Dangers of Fire Retardants– Read the Key Takeaways
Glynn Hughes, EMF Protection UK, Understanding EMF Exposure – Read the key Takeaways.
Jay Morton , Bell Phillips Architects, Building Healthy Homes and Communities – Read the key Takeaways.
Nichola Adams, Inspired Ergonomics, Creating Healthier Workspaces – Read the Key Takeaways
Nicla Diceglie, Nicla D Interiors, Colour Psychology & Biophilc Design – Read the Key Takeaways
My upcoming guests include:
Katie Brumley, Organise to Thrive
Jemima Hartshorn , Mums For Lungs
Claire and James Davis, The Midlife Mentors
Sam Bowles, Pure Maintenance UK – Mould Remediation
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🗓️ Events
Reminder that the Rise Up Rooted Wellbeing Week is currently in full swing!
The Rise Up Rooted Wellbeing Week coming up November 12 – 14, is a virtual event where I will be speaking as part of a small group of presenters on the vital need we all share for deeper, more regular connection with the Natural world…no matter how busy we are.
Don’t worry if you haven’t donned a pair of hiking boots for decades.This event is unlike any Nature-focused conference you’ve ever seen. In addition to forest bathing guides, a houseplant guru, and natural mindfulness teachers, the conference also features an animal communicator, experts in grounding, physicians, authors and even a specialist in sustainable interior design!
That’s because deepening your relationship with the Natural world is about more than taking an occasional walk. It’s about a way of living that is simpler, calmer, more balanced, and more sustainable. In essence, more like Nature itself.
If that sounds intriguing, I invite you to check out the registration page ASAP. Don’t miss the last few days !
This event is FREE to all registered attendees but you do need to RSVP, in order to receive the link when our interviews are released.
(Also, this event is designed specifically for busy people. Every interview is no more than 40 minutes long!)
Click here at Rise Up Rooted to register today and join us for the presentations which started on Tuesday, November 12th during the Rise Up Rooted Wellbeing Week.

Last month I had a great time at The Clean and Tidy Show in London’s Excel where I was asked to speak on ‘ Safe Havens: Reducing Household Toxins for better Health’. The interview is now up on the Healthy Home Show as a bonus episode.
My Interview at The Clean and Tidy Show
Thanks so much for your support in subscribing to this Newsletter. I want to make sure that I am covering topics that are of interest to you. So, if there is anything particular you would like to get more information on or any specific guest you would like to learn from on The Healthy Home Show, let me know via email at
Charlie x