July Newsletter

Dive into a Healthier Home & Body

Hey Wellness Warriors!

Welcome back to my Holistic Health and Healthy Home Newsletter! As we bask in the summer sunshine (haha), it’s the perfect time to embark on a mid-year detox for both your home and body. Read on for more info ….

In this edition:

  • Water, Water Everywhere but Not a Drop to Drink ( Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
  • Healthy Home Show Podcast Hits the Charts!
  • Healthy Eco Holidays
  • Events

Water, Water Everywhere but Not a Drop to Drink

Summer is here, and it’s the best time to refresh and detox. I’m excited to announce my upcoming Home & Body Detox Blueprint series on LinkedIn and Instagram Live! Interested? I will be covering the 4 key areas/ concepts that we need to address to get those nasty toxins out of our homes and bodies (and by the way, things have moved on significantly since juice diets were the way to detox). We will cover how to minimise pollutants in your Water, Air, Skincare, Food and Cooking equipment plus how to effectively detox toxins already in your body. Spoiler alert… this requires specific binders and protocols to help pull toxins out of your fat cells. Unfortunately, there’s a lot more to it than having a couple of saunas and you’re done! Join the list to be notified when the Live Webinars are happening and step into a rejuvenated version of you by the end of summer.

The First Concept: Water

Water, our basic need, is sadly becoming more and more polluted yet there is nothing more important for our health. Did you know that even a tiny 1% drop in hydration can impair focus and reduce brain cognition by 5%? A 2% decrease in brain hydration can lead to short-term memory loss and shrink your brain cells!

Mental symptoms of dehydration can include:

  • Depression
  • Afternoon fatigue
  • Sleep issues
  • Inability to focus
  • Lack of mental clarity, also known as “brain fog”

Symptoms sound familiar? To tackle brain fog, we need to look at dehydration first and foremost. In light of recent scandals with UK water companies and the crap that they are putting in our drinking water, it’s more crucial than ever to filter what you’re consuming. While reverse osmosis filters out everything, including the bad stuff, it’s essential to add back some minerals to re-energise the water. I’m currently exploring ways to revive “dead” water—stay tuned!

For now, try adding nutrients with products like 7m, recommended by our friends at Aquatru. I currently use this filter with this probiotic liquid supplement and I’m loving it.

And yes, Summer means we want to be IN the water, too! But, unfortunately pollution has tainted even our natural swimming spots. It’s a complete scandal that Water companies have managed to get away with poisoning our waterways and seas for years ( and having the audacity to charge us!). Stay healthy this Summer by checking the Water Quality of your chosen swim locations through organisations like Surfers Against Sewage. To stay updated on the fight against Water contamination also check out the Extinction Rebellion campaign.

The new Labour government must uphold their pledge to nationalise water companies, in my opinion, otherwise we are in for some seriously troubling times. Nothing scares me more than not having access to water! For more on this topic, don’t forget to join our LinkedIn and Instagram Lives!

Healthy Home Show Podcast Hits the Charts!

Exciting news! The Healthy Home Show Podcast has hit the number 5 spot in Spain and charted in the UK and Turkey under Alternative Health. A massive thank you to everyone following the show! I’m super grateful for your support.

If you have suggestions for brands or experts to feature, or topics you’d like us to cover, get in touch here.

Missed the latest episodes? Check out my chats with:

My upcoming guests include:

  • Dr. Shelley James, The Light Lady – We discuss how optimising exposure to light is imperative for health. She gives us tips on how to organise both your day and home to maximise the benefits of daylight and artificial light.

  • Alex Strauss, The Mindful Walker – I always love my conversations with Alex, she’s a fellow lover of hiking and a natural mindfulness guide. I have spoken many times on her wonderful channel Rise Up Rooted TV.

Healthy Holidays

I’m spreading my wings! If you follow my personal account on Instagram, you know how much I love slow travel and eco-hotels. I’ve recently qualified as an Independent Travel Agent to help you ( and me) book discounts on wellness-focused, sustainable travel. I have a lot of experience with designing and decorating Eco lets and Airbnbs (check out my flat in Broadstairs that’s currently for rent on Airbnb) but it’s exciting to be combining two of my great loves of Slow Travel and Eco Hotels in this hopeful new venture. Follow Wellness Wanderlust on Instagram if this kind of thing floats your boat.


Clean and Tidy Home Show I’m excited to speak at the Clean and Tidy Show on the 19th October. I’ll be speaking on -Safe Havens: Reducing Household Toxins for Better Health at Home?. The show is over 2 days, the 19th and 20th October. Mark your calendars and get your tickets below.

Thanks so much for your support in subscribing to this Newsletter. I want to make sure that I am covering topics that are of interest to you. So, if there is anything particular you would like to get more information on or any specific guest you would like to learn from on The Healthy Home Show, let me know via email at hello@charlielemmer.com.

…… and If you were forwarded this Newsletter, please subscribe below.


Charlie x

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