How To Detox Your Home In 3 Simple Steps

The Key To Health And Happiness In Life Is Balance.
We are all aware these days of the importance of following a healthy diet and exercising but what isn’t so common knowledge is the vital role that other factors like relationships, stress and particularly environment have on our well-being.

The importance of our home environment quite often gets overlooked but it is actually directly linked to our own health. It is essential to make sure your home is supporting the health of your family and not compromising it. I always say to my clients:

“You can eat healthy vegetables and go to the gym all day long but if you are living in a toxic home environment you are never going to be healthy.”


It is estimated that we are exposed to up to 50% more toxins within the home than outside. As we spend up to 90% of our time at home, If not addressed correctly, these high levels of toxicity can cause severe health problems from headaches and fatigue to autoimmune diseases and cancer.

It is imperative to evaluate the following when creating a healthy and healing indoor space:

  • Gases emitted from furniture, carpets and cleaning products (offgassing)
  • Wifi and technology (radiation that our bodies consider toxic)

  • Water quality

  • Potentials hazards like mould and dust etc.

Even though our bodies are naturally equipped with the means to detox some environmental pollutants it is estimated that our bodies face up to 10 million times the radiation from technology and at least 80,000 more chemicals than our grand parents did. Our poor livers and bodies are struggling to deal with this ever increasing attack on our immune systems! Children are especially vulnerable to these increased levels of toxicity. Not only do they spend a lot of time crawling around the floor but their immune systems are still developing. In the past years , the prevalence of autism, ADHD and other autoimmune illnesses have grown exponentially. Although a lot more study needs to be done in this area, science is already showing direct links between the increase in these illnesses and the toxic overload that we are now confronted with in our lives.


It is not all doom and gloom!

Advances in technology (yes technology can be good), an increase of awareness and products in the field of healthy and sustainable homes and interiors means that there are plenty of solutions. These solutions help us lower toxicity levels within our home and create interiors that not only look cool and bring us joy but also create an environment in which our bodies can truly relax, regenerate and heal; optimizing our health and energy and helping us get the most out of life.

On any new project, I usually like to focus first on the bedroom as it is where we come to rest and regenerate and where we should be spending a good 8 hours of our day asleep; so, maximizing the potential of this space to support our health can make the biggest difference to our overall well-being.
Here are my top tips on how to create a healthy bedroom in an affordable way that will optimize your health and hence increase your productivity, happiness and joy in life.


Make Sure All Bedrooms Are Technology Free Spaces, Especially Children’s Rooms And Nurseries.

Technology emits a blue light that inhibits production of melatonin in our bodies. Melatonin is the sleep inducing hormone and by limiting its production, we obstruct the bodies natural circadian rhythm and fool it into thinking that it’s still daytime when we want to go to sleep. Not only does technology affect us on a mental level but it also has a vast physical consequence.We don’t want to let work seep into the time that we are meant to be allowing our bodies to restore, so it is important to have our work/play spaces and rest spaces clearly defined and technology free. If you are someone that likes to watch TV in bed or is tapping away on emails late into the night but then can’t sleep well; this could be the cause!

I ban all technology including my mobile phone from my bedroom and the only mechanical device I allow is a battery operated alarm clock. Baby monitors also emit some of the highest levels of radiation of any domestic device. If you want to use one, its imperative you use one of the safer brands and also place it a safe distance away from your baby’s body.

It is also key to avoid specific flows of electric currents. Just the simple act of placing your bed against the correct wall can make a huge difference to your sleep and health.


It Is Essential To Have The Best Possible Air Quality In Your Bedroom.

You are breathing in the same air for hopefully a good 8 hours of the night so if you’re breathing in stale, polluted air you can’t really expect your body to restore and regenerate itself effectively. I recommend only using eco paints that have no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in the decoration of any bedroom. These paints do not emit chemical gases into the atmosphere like commercial paints and are not only better for your health but better for the planet too. Carefully selected plants that emit oxygen instead of CO2 at night, hypoallergenic bedding and limited carpets (carpets are huge dust collectors) all help improve air quality so that you can gain the maximum benefit from your rest.


Always Clean Your Bedroom And The Rest Of Your House With Chemical-Free Eco Products.

The toxins emitted by ordinary chemical detergents are incredibly dangerous and damaging to our health. They put a huge load on our livers which desperately try to expel these toxins from the body and really mess with our endocrine (hormonal) systems as well. Put simply, your body is not going to be able to rest and heal from a good nights sleep if it is having to fight all night to detox the body of all that bleach you used to mop the floor. Plus, as our beloved pets and children love to crawl around on said floor, they will be the ones that are absorbing in the most of these toxins.The above recommendations are just a few of the considerations we make when creating optimum healthy living environments for our clients. There are solutions for any budget but these are simple strategies that can make a huge difference to your sleep and health with barely any cost.

More complicated and expensive tools we use include WIFI blocking paints and textiles, grounding sheets for beds, infrared lamps and more, but in the meantime these simple tricks can have huge and sometimes immediate effects, and then we can tweak further if necessary to deliver even bigger results.

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