An Update from The Healthy Home Therapist

Important Healthy Home Habits

Now more than ever it is important to make sure that your home is as healthy as possible. As we are now spending all our time indoors on forced quarantine lockdown it is imperative to make sure that our home environments are as toxin free as possible and supporting our health and immune systems through this unusual time.

To be honest, the recommendations have not changed, I believe air pollution to be an even more pressing issue on our health and wellbeing then the current pandemic we are facing.

The statistics and science show that we should be just as worried and proactive about our air quality as we are about this current crisis but I wont burden you with the numbers because i think we have all seen enough statistics to last a lifetime right now. Plus it is not a good idea at all to obsess over digits on a screen right now. It increases anxiety and undermines our immune systems.

But The Positive News Is This!

Now that we are sequestered in our homes, we may as well use the opportunity to put in place all those new habits we have been meaning to that will make our homes the optimum healthy haven. This is a great time to make changes to your internal environment that will strengthen your health and that of your family, not only during this outbreak, but going forward. This has been a huge wake-up call from nature and we would be foolish not to pay attention and learn some lessons from this crazy time.

So lets remind ourselves of some important healthy habits to get into at home…

Throw Open The Windows In The Morning

So we are not allowed outside, but that doesn’t mean we cant let the outside in! Generally the air inside our homes is more than 20 to 50 times more toxic inside than out. Statistics seem to vary a lot on this figure but whichever one you quote, the air is hugely more toxic inside the home. We really need to be letting the fresh air in our homes right now to support our respiratory health and our mental health. Sounds simple but there is a reason our (great) grandmothers all inherently knew to open the windows each morning.

Sort Out The Detergents Under Your Sink

One of the most important things I did for my own health and to support my recovery from an Autoimmune illness was to throw out all the chemical rubbish under my sink and in my bathroom. I know that we are all paranoid at the moment about cleanliness but we have to remember the detrimental effect strong chemicals and detergents have on our microbiome and our immune system. Changing our cleaning products to ones that are gentler on our bodies and on the planet would be a great project to do right now and your health will thank you for it.

Up The Level Of Plants In Your House

It’s crazy the things you can do online when you have to. I even had choir practice online last night, which was a very strange experience! But I have been busy propagating some of my plants to create new babies and will be looking up new ways to pimp the minimum outside space that I have. Plan- get as many air-purifying plants in the house as possible. If you haven’t already heard of it Patch is a great online plant delivery company in the UK and I love getting ideas from them. So it could be a good time to benefit from their services. I am currently trying to resource an equivalent company in Spain so I’ll let you know when i find one.

Use Healthy Decorating Materials

So I have heard from lots of you that you are going to be using this time to decorate the house . Great idea! But please remember to be even more mindful about the products you are using as many commercial paints and new furniture off-gas terribly and as we are stuck inside right now it would not be a great idea to further decrease our air quality. We need our respiratory systems to be in tip-top form at the moment. If you visit our directory, we can help you choose the best paints and other products to decorate with and not compromise your immune systems.

Eat And Drink Healthy

One item I am really relying on right now is my water filters from Aquasana and Tapp. I have these on my shower and kitchen taps and seriously don’t know what I would do without them in this lockdown period. if I had a ridiculous list of quarantine must-haves, these would be on it! I am enjoying being able to reconnect with cooking and making up some bone broths and other concoctions with great health giving properties.

How can we help?

Facebook Group

I set up a Facebook group called THE HEALTHY HOME COMMUNITY if anyone would like to share comments or ask questions to the group re any concerns or queries they might have at this time or anytime. It’s a space where we can build a community of like-minded people who are interested in knowing how to create homes that not only optimize their health and that of their family but do so in an ethical, sustainable and joyful way. So please come and join our community at –

Contact Us

If there is anyway I can support you right now, any information you need , any help I can give you , any different way that I can get information to you ( ie videos) , then please just ask. I am doing some free Skype sessions for the next couple of weeks so if anyone would like to take advantage please send me an email to

Free Coaching and Consulting Sessions

These sessions will combine my Health Coaching practice with my WELL Accredited Professional Consulting Practice.

Usually I would separate them but as I cant come out to anyone’s house right now, I thought it might be cool to do some combined 30 minute sessions.

We can address any:

health ailments

dietary issues

habit changes you have been wanting to make

healthy home concerns

Let’s use this time productively and get you into some new healthy habits before this quarantine period is over.

We have been presented with a gift of time, lets use it!

This time of isolation is different for all of us. I’m at home on my own half-way through my second week of lockdown. I know others haven’t come up for breath yet with the kids at home, constantly having to come up with creative ideas to entertain them; yet more friends are only entering into the quarantine period now.

Wherever you are in the world and whatever stage you are at in this process of isolation, its so important to stay connected for our mental health and for our physical health.

So even if you just want to have a chat, about nothing health related whatsoever, I’m here! ( i haven’t started talking to myself quite yet)

Book your free 30 minute consultation with me by emailing hello@thehealthyhometherapist or contacting me here

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