August Newsletter

Summer Health Vibes and our latest news!

In a way, I hope you’re NOT reading this and that you’re lying blissfully on a beach in the mediterranean or forest bathing in Latvia. At least, thats I wish I was doing! However, if you’re still with me…..

In this edition we discuss:

  • Let’s talk Nutrition – Olive Oil

  • Coming up in September – Safe Mattresses

  • Healthy Home Show Podcast

  • Events

Let's talk Nutrition - Olive Oil

Nutrition is 1 of the 12 key concepts of a Healthy Home and Lifestyle and when better to discuss food than in the Summer months. In honour of balmy mediterranean style evenings, I wanted to take a deep dive into Olive Oil. It’s one of the healthiest things you can introduce into your diet and recently I’ve been trying some extra special brands.

Olive oil, often called liquid gold, is more than a culinary staple—it’s a health powerhouse. Rich in monounsaturated fats, particularly oleic acid, it can reduce inflammation, lower heart disease risk, and improve cognitive function. A 2020 study found that consuming over half a tablespoon daily reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 15% and coronary heart disease by 21%. Packed with antioxidants like vitamin E and polyphenols, olive oil helps protect against oxidative stress, a contributor to chronic illnesses such as cancer and diabetes.

When choosing olive oil, opt for extra virgin varieties (EVOO) as they retain the highest levels of polyphenols, which have strong antioxidant properties. Organic options are a must as they’re free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. Ensure the oil is cold-pressed to preserve its benefits and stored in a dark glass bottle to prevent light degradation. Look for oils that explicitly mention high polyphenol levels, typically above 250 mg/kg, for optimal health benefits. Two brands I have discovered this year… and love, are: The Governor and November (the names and bottles are really cool too!). I know its only August but I think these will make great Christmas gifts!

Coming up in September - Safe Mattresses

Next month, I’ll be chatting with Becca Willis from Cottonsafe Natural Mattress and we shall be looking at chemical-free bedding and the effect toxic mattresses can have on human health especially children. Did you know September sees the highest number of births each year? Thats why we will be focussing a bit more than usual on babies and how hidden toxins in our home can damage their delicate immune systems. I’m currently working on an Ebook about ‘How to set up a health-optimised nursery—stay tuned for the download on my website!

Choosing the Right Mattress:

  • Traditional foam mattresses may meet safety standards but can hide dangerous risks.

  • These mattresses often contain up to 5kg of chemical fire retardants like PBDEs and HBCDD, linked to serious health issues in children (e.g., thyroid disruption, cognitive issues).

  • Alarmingly, these chemicals have been found in breast milk, umbilical cord blood, and in toddlers at higher concentrations than their mothers.

Why Go Chemical-Free

  • Cottonsafe mattresses use natural materials like organic wool, naturally fire-resistant without toxic chemicals. Opting for chemical-free mattresses safeguards your baby’s long-term health and ensures a safer sleep environment.

This Matters for Everyone

  • Toxic chemicals in mattresses aren’t just harmful to kids—they’re dangerous for us all.

  • Safe, fire-resistant options exist without the need for harmful chemicals. Interior Design Declares is lobbying for changes to outdated regulations—check them out for more info and support them by adding your name to the campaign! Delyth Fetherston-Dilke is doing some outstanding work to raise awareness in this area, so please follow her work. We need to rise up together to say no to these poisonous chemicals.

Healthy Home Show Podcast

Thanks to ALL of you, The Healthy Home Show:

My upcoming guests include:

  • Rebecca Willis ( Becca ), Cottonsafe Natural Mattress

  • Kimberley Gallagher, The Feng Shui Flow

Follow the show here

🗓️ Events

Clean and Tidy Home Show I’m excited to speak at the Clean and Tidy Show on the 19th October. I’ll be speaking on –Safe Havens: Reducing Household Toxins for Better Health at Home. The show is over 2 days, the 19th and 20th October. Mark your calendars and get your tickets here..

Thanks so much for your support in subscribing to this Newsletter. I want to make sure that I am covering topics that are of interest to you. So, if there is anything particular you would like to get more information on or any specific guest you would like to learn from on The Healthy Home Show, let me know via email at


Charlie x

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