June Newsletter

Hmmm so I am not sure I would exactly call this Summer !

Now is the time though to be making some healthier and fresher choices for your diet and lifestyle. It’s so much easier to feel better about habit changes when the weather is warmer.

When I asked about how I managed to heal myself from Fibromyalgia I generally talk about 4 areas of my life that I detoxed.

  • 1. My food & diet

  • 2. My water

  • 3. The products I use ( including skincare, detergents, other items in my home & lifestyle.

  • 4. My body ( gotta love a sauna and those bio-toxin binders)…

So today, let’s touch on one simple change in food and diet , that really shifted the health needle for me and could for you..

Healthy Habit Check: The Supermarket Detox

The best thing I ever did for my health, especially while healing from autoimmune issues around 10 years ago, was STOP SHOPPING IN THE SUPERMARKET.

I now get my fruit and vegetables delivered from Riverford Organics and my grass-fed meat and fish from the local butcher and fishmonger. You don’t have to use Riverford; there are plenty of great veggie box delivery schemes out there ( check out the soil association to find a scheme near you). Not only has this change made my diet so much healthier, but it also means I don’t need to worry about the provenance of my food.

Supermarkets used to make me feel physically sick with their rows of plastic-covered aisles and sub-par quality of food. Plus, I manage to avoid the temptation of all those aisles filled with sweet ‘treats’ and processed foods. They say we should be eating 7-10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Most people barely eat 4, and as creatures of habit, most of us buy the same vegetables every time we shop.

So, at the very least, try experimenting with different fruit and vegetables this week than you ordinarily would. Here are more reasons why I’m so glad I quit shopping in the supermarket:

  • Supports Local Farming Communities and Growers

By choosing local, you’re directly supporting the farmers and growers in your community. It feels good knowing that my money is going to real people rather than big corporations.

  • Fresher Fruit and Veg

My fruit and veg are not shipped halfway around the world, so they’re fresher and taste way better. Fresh food equals more nutrients, and more nutrients equal a healthier you! Plus, i can feel better about my carbon footprint.

  • No Pesticide-Laden Produce

Supermarket produce is often covered in pesticides, which can lead to toxicity and illness. By going organic, I’ve reduced my exposure to these harmful chemicals.

  • Increased Diversity

Each week, my box contains different fruits and vegetables, pushing me to eat more of the rainbow and create more diversity in my gut bacteria for improved health. If you’re curious about the importance of diversity in your diet, check out this blog.

  • More Fun in the Kitchen

Having different ingredients every week has expanded my culinary skills and pushed me to try different recipes with veggies I might not normally buy. Cooking has become a fun and creative part of my routine.

  • Zero Waste

I’ve significantly reduced the amount of plastic packaging I throw away. No more endless piles of plastic!

This Week's blog = Radiant Skin, Green Living!

The latest blog is a summary of my recent podcast interview with Laura Rudoe ( see below). If you fancy checking it out please

The Healthy Home Show Podcast

Guess what!! The Healthy Home Show Podcast has finally launched. Wow its been a learning curve for me around all the new tech and skills I have had to get my head around but I am excited to be in the flow now. I am having such interesting conversations around everything from Vegan Interior Design to Feng Shui to Mindful Walking and I look forward to sharing all the new healthy tips I’m learning.


Grand Designs Live

Well, May was pretty action packed on the event front. I really enjoyed making my debut speaking on the main stage at Grand Designs ( see the photo above ). We have finally received the video footage of the event, so I will be adding these talks to my Youtube channel at some point.

WorkHuman Live

This was such cool event. The main topics discussed were psychological safety and the incredibly worrying statistics around the growing pandemic of loneliness in the UK, specifically amongst the younger generations.

Kudos to @Eric Mosely and Holly Ransom for leading such an informative and inspiring event.

Coming Up this month …..

Sick of doing everything online? Me too! Let’s actually connect in real life. I’ll be at the following events so let’s grab a coffee if you’re there too.

The Health Optimisation Summit

This is one of my favourite events in the year. Health experts and brands from around the world converge on The Business Design Centre in Islington for 2 days on the 15th and 16th of f June. Get tickets here.

Shameless Request

I am looking to ramp up my Speaking gigs and workshops over the next months, so if your company or community would like to hear more about how you can optimise your health and productivity by creating workspaces and homes that boost your wellbeing, email me – hello@charlielemmer.com

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